Cvictus’s patented technology can decarbonize the most difficult sectors by producing hydrogen and chemical feedstocks that are ‘cleaner than green and cheaper than grey’ from incumbent technologies.
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Cv̄ictus’ patented technology can decarbonize the most difficult sectors by producing hydrogen and chemical feedstocks that are ‘cleaner than green and cheaper than grey’ from incumbent technologies.
Cv̄ictus’ patented and proprietary EHR™ technology can produce clean hydrogen with lower carbon intensity than green hydrogen from hydropower and at a cost that’s less than half the cost of hydrogen from steam methane reformers. Conventionally, coal has massive CO2 emissions when mined and burned. But it's also the cheapest, most abundant energy source available around the world.
By changing the way we utilize coal, Cv̄ictus can extract clean hydrogen molecules without mining while sequestering the carbon, eliminating the green premium for clean hydrogen and other difficult to decarbonize sectors. By taking the beneficial gases out of coal, we create space onsite for CCUS. This is a real-world solution to the most difficult climate challenges that is economically viable without costly subsidies or political mandates while being globally scalable.
Why our venture should be considered one of Canada’s 50 most investable cleantech companies:
All critical aspects of EHR™ and CCUS in deep coal have been demonstrated multiple times. Canada’s Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN) and the Alberta Energy Regulator have further validated EHR™ technology by providing a CAD $10M grant and through regulatory review and approval of our commercial EHR™ project with production starting in 2025. Conventional mining and combustion of coal emits huge amounts of CO2 and causes significant environmental damage. Cv̄ictus’s Enhanced Hydrogen Recovery™ technology is a paradigm shift that turns deep coal ‘from a source to a sink’ of CO2. EHR™ extracts hydrogen from deep coal and saline formation water, without mining, while leaving up to 50 per cent of the carbon in the ground. It creates the space on-site to geologically sequester massive amounts of CO2 from our own process and other sources, including raw flue gas.
Because our resource is abundant and cheap, Cv̄ictus can help decarbonize the most difficult industries and locations with software like EBITDA margins. EHR™ deployment is essential in India, China, and other countries that depend upon coal and can’t afford a green premium. Development of our Alberta project is the first step towards realizing Cv̄ictus’s bold vision to become ‘the most positively impactful - and profitable - company on the planet.’