Foresight and University of Victoria Partner to Forge a Path to Net Zero

August 24, 2021

Vancouver, CANADA – August 24, 2021. Foresight, Canada’s cleantech accelerator, today announced a new partnership with the University of Victoria, one of Canada’s leading research universities, to support the growth of the cleantech ecosystem and accelerate the transition to an inclusive, net-zero future.

The purpose of the partnership is to advance the growth and competitiveness of BC’s cleantech ecosystem by helping ventures attract the capital they need to commercialize and scale-up. The two partners will leverage regional strengths, increase inclusive economic participation, support cleantech ventures to capture global markets, and foster learning opportunities in sustainable finance and impact investing. 

There are already links between UVic and Foresight. Solaires, a venture creating the next generation of solar cells, jointly led by scientists from UVic’s chemistry department and the Centre for Advanced Materials and Related Technology (CAMTEC), is currently participating in Foresight’s Launch program.

The Memorandum of Understanding outlines an approach to accelerating Canada’s transition to a green economy including:

  • Support industry in BC to adopt cleantech solutions required to achieve 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and net-zero targets.
  • Help BC cleantech ventures to grow, access capital, and tap into global markets.
  • Enhance understanding of cleantech issues, research, and data among private sector investors to unlock capital in support of the cleantech sector.
  • Increase education in areas such as cleantech, sustainable finance and climate focused impact investing in post-secondary institutions.
  • Encourage collaboration between entrepreneurs and researchers working in cleantech.

The University of Victoria leads several initiatives that support the growth of cleantech. The new Vancouver Island Impact Investing Hub (VI3Hub), led by the Gustavson School of Business in collaboration with other faculties and centres, supports research and education to promote investments in climate solutions. UVic’s Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (IESVic) is an interdisciplinary centre with a focus on the development of clean energy technology and processes. VI3Hub and IESVic will work with the Office of the Vice-President of Research and Innovation in collaboration with Foresight on this new partnership. 

In the first public-facing event to come out of the collaboration, Foresight CEO Jeanette Jackson will be a panelist in a free roundtable discussion, Financing Canadian Cleantech: Matching Growth Capital with Investor Demand, as part of the UVic-led virtual conference “The Post-COVID Recovery and the Race to Net Zero,” Aug. 30-31. 

“Foresight is pleased to formalize our collaboration with the University of Victoria and explore how we can work together to address urgent climate challenges,” says Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight. “In particular, we welcome the opportunity to engage students with cleantech so we can harness their energy and creativity.”

“We look forward to seeing the impacts of UVic’s partnership with Foresight as students, researchers, and community members collaborate to improve access to capital for climate-smart businesses and start-ups,” says Lisa Kalynchuk, UVic’s Vice-President Research and Innovation. 

About Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre

Foresight is Canada’s cleantech accelerator. Foresight supports the identification and validation of cleantech opportunities and the successful commercialization of solutions. We bring together innovators, investors, industry, government, and academia to address today’s most urgent climate issues and support a global transition to a green economy. Find out more at and follow on Twitter @ForesightCAC.

About the University of Victoria

UVic is one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities, offering life-changing, hands-on learning experiences to more than 21,000 students on the edge of the spectacular BC coast. As a hub of transformational research, UVic faculty, staff and students make a critical difference on issues that matter to people, places and the planet. UVic consistently publishes a higher proportion of research based on international collaborations than any other university in North America, and our community and organizational partnerships play a key role in generating vital impact, from scientific and business breakthroughs to achievements in culture and creativity. Find out more at and follow @UVic.

Media contacts:

Elizabeth Thorsen
Foresight Canada, VP Operations

Suzanne Ahearne
University of Victoria, Media Relations & Public Affairs