January Alumni Recap | Foresight Ventures Receive International Recognition

January 30, 2024

It’s a new year, and our network of alumni companies are starting off strong. With 11 Foresight-supported venture companies on this year’s Global Cleantech 100 list, new clean energy projects breaking ground, and three Foresight alumni receiving funding, 2024 is off to a great start for Canadian cleantech.

Here are a few of the highlights:

Awards and Recognition

Three Foresight alumni ventures have been named to the Toronto Star’s 11 Startups to Watch in 2024 list.

13 Canadian companies were named to the Cleantech Group’s Global Cleantech 100, including 11 Foresight-supported alumni ventures:


Eight Canadian Startups have secured $1.9M to pilot foodtech innovations via the Canadian Food Innovation Network, including Foresight alumni

New Projects

Foresight 50 honouree Ekona Power announced that its methane pyrolysis reactor met its 2023 performance targets, and the team is planning on expanding its test platform to demonstrate a 200-kg-H2-per-day pilot plant in 2024.


To date, our network of 1,100+ Foresight-supported ventures have raised $1.6+ billion in capital, generated $474+ million in revenue, and created 8,000+ high-paying jobs. We are inspired by the contributions our alumni companies are making to Canada’s transition to a net zero economy, and we are so excited to see what comes next for these innovators. 

Stay tuned for more stories about how our alumni are leaving their mark on the Canadian cleantech ecosystem. To submit your story, reach out to newsletter@foresightcac.com.