Climate Connections:
Bio Edition
- Date: March 12, 2024
- Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
- Cost: Free
- Venue: Zoom
- Organizer: Foresight and UBC Bioproducts Institute

This month’s Climate Connections webinar will focus on addressing key concerns and challenges identified by end users and industry experts inhibiting the adoption of sustainable packaging.
From how a product looks, functions, and biodegrades, to its cost competitiveness and how to ensure that carbon benefits aren’t lost through international transportation of products (for example: pears grown in Argentina, packed in Thailand and then sold in the United States). We have seen monumental change in packaging materials and opportunities, now let's look at the final challenges that will unlock their mass use.
Rick Everest, Director Sustainability, CKF Inc.
This event supported by UBC Bioproducts Institute.
Register for the event
About Climate Connections
The climate imperative presents enormous challenges for industries that must now align their strategy and operations with the goal of a low-carbon economy. As industry steps up to meet these pressing climate challenges, there are exciting new opportunities for the translation of research into impact.
Enter Climate Connections, our problem-driven event series that connects solution-seekers from industry with researchers and innovators from academia, and fosters cross-sector connections to address the climate challenge.
Through structured conversations with academic researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs, we’ll unpack and explore their challenges and help align research with commercial opportunities.