Winners Announced in the Fourth Annual BC Cleantech Awards

March 31, 2023

March 30, 2023: With BC experiencing more than its fair share of climate-related disasters — from heat domes and annual forest fires to the devastating floods in the Fraser Valley — there has never been a better time to shine a light on the individuals and organizations that are working tirelessly to accelerate the development and adoption of critical climate solutions across the province. 

That’s part of why Foresight Canada is recognizing 11 change-makers and climate champions as winners of the fourth annual BC Cleantech Awards, honouring the innovators, industry leaders, investors, government officials, academics, and community builders that are coming together to propel cleantech innovation in British Columbia. 

“I can’t express how proud I am to see all of the amazing things that are happening across BC’s diverse cleantech ecosystem. With the climate crisis becoming more tangible each day, it's the continued innovation and collaboration of these inspiring leaders who are pushing cleantech innovation forward in British Columbia and helping us meet our climate moonshots.” - Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight Canada

This year’s winners represent a variety of cleantech champions within a wide range a categories, but they all have one thing in common; they’re passionate about leading BC — and the world — to a greener future.  

2023 BC Cleantech Awards Winners: 

Startup of the Year: Moment Energy
An emerging cleantech venture actively growing and already creating impact in their field

Scaling Venture of the Year: Svante
A cleantech venture positioned to take a leadership role on the global innovation stage

Community Advocate of the Year: ​​Shannon Bard, entrepreneurship@UBC
A mentor offering invaluable guidance, advice, or support to cleantech entrepreneurs

Ecosystem Supporter of the Year: BC Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy
An organization championing the growth and development of cleantech in BC through programs, ecosystem development, thought leadership, and community building

Corporate Pioneer of the Year: Paper Excellence
A large organization or company adopting, championing, or leading sustainable practices in their industry

Investor of the Year: Yuan Shi, The51 Food and Agtech Fund
An angel investor or VC championing a net zero economy by investing in cleantech ventures

Funder of the Year: TELUS Pollinator Fund for Good
An organization or individual offering capital support or funding to support cleantech ventures as they grow and scale

Training Institution of the Year: Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
An educational institution leading or championing research, programming, and upskilling that will enable a net zero future

Educator of the Year: Basma Majerbi, University of Victoria
A professor, academic leader, or post-secondary instructor taking an innovative approach to education for the net zero economy

Government Champion of the Year: Nancy Norris, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, Government of British Columbia
A local or provincial government official using policy, advocacy, or funding to move the province towards net zero

We also presented the Sustainability Hero award to cleantech community member, Kwatuuma Cole Sayers, for his outstanding work and wealth of experience as an advisor and advocate on clean energy development, particularly to First Nations interested in advancing opportunities in clean energy and technology.

The BC Net Zero Innovation Network

In February, Foresight Canada launched the BC Net Zero Innovation Network (BCNZIN) with a mission to rapidly fast-track the development and adoption of cleantech solutions while reducing emissions across key industries 

Made possible by financial support from PacifiCan and the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, the BCNZIN will foster the crucial collaboration that is required on the path to net zero by breaking down silos, advancing local economic development, de-risking adoption of climate solutions into industry, and bringing together BC’s robust cleantech ecosystem to rapidly scale clean technologies across the province. 

Join the BCNZIN network. 

The BC Cleantech Awards would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors and partners.

The 2023 BC Cleantech Awards are presented by Foresight and KPMG, with support from MLT Aikins, Osler and TransLink.

Media sponsor: Vancouver Tech Journal