Outlining the Path to 2030-2050 Emissions Reduction Targets for BC's Built Environment
The Province of British Columbia has set GHG emissions reduction targets of 40%, 60% and 80% for 2030, 2040, and 2050. In order to achieve these goals, there must be a supportive, industry-driven innovation ecosystem that encourages the rapid uptake of new innovations as well as the application of best available clean technology and low carbon materials.
This introductory document is meant to provide a snapshot of roadmaps, guidance, standards and building codes in use in the built environment sector in BC, to provide a strategic overview of the path to the targets for 2030-2050, and to identify areas where the industry would benefit from further support in order to achieve the targets.
Building a Sustainable Future Starts Here
Canada’s built environment is evolving, and innovation is at the forefront of this transformation. Explore insights, technologies, and strategies driving sustainable construction and net zero buildings across the country.