Recover Inc.

A new solution to a long-standing waste liability.

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Recover Inc.

Recover Inc. is a Foresight 50 2023 Honouree

Waste-to-Energy Technology Company

When modern horizontal wells are drilled today, they use an oil-based fluid, which creates hydrocarbon-contaminated drilling waste. This waste is then sent to a disposal site where the hydrocarbons biodegrade, forming CO2 and methane. 

Recover has developed the only commercial hydrocarbon waste recycling facility in the world where it cleans the waste stream, recovers the hydrocarbons, and avoids substantive volumes of GHG emissions. Beyond those emission reductions, Recover removes the risk of toxic waste from entering the local environment and potentially impacting groundwater supplies.

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Why our venture should be considered one of Canada’s 50 most investable cleantech companies:

Recover is a sustainable cleantech waste-to-energy company focused on large waste streams created throughout North America. Recover has a first-of-a-kind, proven commercial facility that has been operating for over three years and is expanding into the Permian Basin, in partnership with a large commercial waste company. 

Its facilities offer an attractive combination of high project-level returns, fully derisked technology, enhanced environmental attributes, and limited competition. To execute the business plan, the company has a dedicated management team and a strong Board of Directors, including a former Prime Minister of Canada.