
Vancouver Island Hydrogen Hub

  • Date: March 12, 2025
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 6:30 pm
  • Cost: Free
  • Venue: Nanaimo, BC
  • Organizer: Foresight
Vancouver Island Hydrogen Hub

Foresight is inviting First Nations, innovators, industry, regulators, utilities, government, and sector experts to participate in a workshop assessing the opportunity to develop a Vancouver Island Hydrogen Hub.

A key challenge facing hydrogen development in BC is matching supply and demand. Regional hydrogen hubs, as outlined in the BC Hydrogen Strategy, can overcome this challenge by co-locating hydrogen production and end-use applications while accelerating the growth of the local economy. 

The Lower Mainland, Northeast BC, Interior BC (Kootenays and Okanagan) and Vancouver Island were identified as key economic regions where hydrogen projects are developing. This workshop is the third in a series across the province that will support the completion of opportunity assessments for regional hydrogen hubs. 

The Vancouver Island workshop will feature facilitated discussions and interactive exercises, along with an educational Hydrogen 101 component. We will discuss key research questions, including local hydrogen feedstocks, infrastructure, transportation, end-uses, and the region’s competitive advantages. We will also host a mapping exercise to envision what a regional hydrogen hub could look like in 2035 (for an example, see our Lower Mainland report).

This event is by invitation only. Please reach out to Aislinn Crawford, Sr. Manager, Research at for more information.

Foresight is pleased to provide limited travel reimbursements for Indigenous leaders in Vancouver Island who would like to attend this workshop but require financial support. Please contact for more information.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the B.C. Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions to advance this project.