Finalists Announced for First-Ever Alberta Cleantech Awards

April 11, 2023

Drum roll, please… Announcing the finalists of our first-ever Alberta Cleantech Awards! 

These are the game-changers, the movers and shakers, the disrupters, and the big thinkers that are shaping Alberta’s powerful cleantech ecosystem. We couldn’t be more thrilled to recognize this group of innovators, industry leaders, government officials, academics, investors, and community builders as our inaugural Alberta Cleantech Awards finalists. 

We’ll be celebrating the inspiring accomplishments of these individuals and groups at a live event in Calgary on April 27, 2023. 

The 2023 Alberta Cleantech Awards are presented by Foresight, with support from Copoint and MLT Aikins

Media sponsor: Calgary Tech Journal.

Congratulations to our 1st Annual Alberta Cleantech Awards Finalists: 

Venture of the Year (Group)

A cleantech venture positioned to take a leadership role on the global innovation stage. 


Funder of the Year (Group or individual)

A funder, investor, government program, or VC championing a net zero economy by investing in cleantech ventures.

Ecosystem Supporter of the Year (Group or individual)

An organization championing the growth and development of cleantech in AB through the support of climate-focused entrepreneurs, programs, ecosystem development, thought leadership, and community building.


Adopter of the Year (Group)

A leading organization, company, or group adopting or championing sustainable practices in their industry.