Executive in Residence
Jonathan is a veteran of the carbon capture, utilization and sequestration (CCUS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) industry with more than 15 years of commercial and technical experience.
Notably, at CO 2 Solutions Inc. (now CO 2 Solutions by SAIPEM), he was instrumental in bringing its revolutionary enzyme-based CO 2 capture technology from the laboratory to commercial deployment. CO 2 Solutions’ technology is now one of the world's top three commercial processes for post-combustion carbon capture.
In addition to his role at Foresight, Jonathan is Principal at CCUS Experts, where he provides technology and market advice to help organizations successfully navigate this rapidly growing sector. Additionally, he is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization and was previously an Expert Member of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Standards Development Working Group for Carbon Capture.