In today's urgent crisis, it's more important than ever to understand the investment climate in cleantech and sustainable solutions. Foresight recently partnered with a number of organizations, including the Vantec Angel Network, Entrepreneurship at UBC, SFU Venture Labs and Spring Activator to host an online event to help investors to recognize and benefit from the growing demand for high-impact climate solutions, and to showcase some promising climate positive companies.
What is the Economic Climate for Investing?
Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight led a panel discussion "Investing after COVID-19" where investors spoke about the investment climate in cleantech. Overall, despite the current COVID-19 crisis that is putting the reins on the economy, the panel believed it was a good time to invest.
The economic crisis is different from 2008 Great Recession in that the banking sector is not at risk. In fact, they believe that Cleantech is more economically viable overall now due to several issues:
- Energy Demand is still high, and growing
- Oil Demand is dropping
- If the project/technology was viable pre-crisis, it will be viable post-crisis
Investors will be looking at a 2 year runway on balance sheets, syndicate deals and partnerships, revenue sharing models, and for the next while will be focused on their existing portfolio companies and making sure they can weather the storm.
Cleantech Companies
It's more important now than ever to showcase the talent and technology behind the growing ecosystem of investment-ready cleantech companies in Western Canada. Here's a list of some of the highlights.
Portable Electric
Renewable Energy
Portable Electric’s VOLTstack power stations deliver reliable, instant power whenever and wherever you need it.
Cryologistics Refrigeration
Cleantech / Transportation
CryoLogistic's passive transport refrigeration unit solves three key problems facing the cold chain industry: cost, complexity and emissions.
Food and Beverage
Drinkfill is creating smart zero-waste vending machines to refill existing beverage containers.
Clean Water Technology
Swirltex builds custom wastewater treatment systems for a wide range of applications.
Chip-Based Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Homes, Offices, Vehicles, Parkades and Power Generation.
SensoDrive connects people, programs and services to underutilized parking spaces and EV charging stations in private buildings.