
Accelerating Government Ambitions Into Impacts

We have big plans to establish Canada as a global cleantech superpower. Through work with all levels of government, we're driving climate innovation across the country and catapulting Canada into a leadership position on the global cleantech stage. 

 Partner With Us Read our Annual Report

1500 +
Cleantech Community Members
9090 +
Jobs Created
1430 +
Portfolio Companies

Fostering Powerful,
National Leadership

Federal, Provincial, Municipal, and Indigenous leaders across Canada are taking bold action to meet our climate targets. To complement this leadership, we support governments by providing data, insights, and opportunities to foster the growth and impact of green businesses.

Through strategic partnerships and government support, we: 

Help enact tactics to meet provincial climate plans and targets 

Connect projects with economic benefit to communities facing the harshest effects of climate change

Identify areas of technology, industry, and natural resource focus to invest in the 'big wins'

Foster bilateral trade opportunities between Canada and the global cleantech community

Accelerate municipal procurement processes by connecting them to validated market-ready solutions

Attract FDI into Canadian
cleantech businesses

Ventures To Value Chains

This is an initiative that leverages data from technology companies and other key stakeholders to map, categorize, and analyze strategically important industry value chains for Canada in the clean economy. 

Get Involved

Net Zero Innovation Network in British Columbia

The Net Zero Innovation Network (NZIN) in BC is an initiative to accelerate the province's transition to a clean, net zero economy by bringing together the ecosystem to fast-track the development and adoption of clean technology solutions, enabling BC to become a global leader.

Learn More

For a Country as Diverse as Canada, There’s No Such Thing as ‘One Size Fits All’.

That’s why we tailor our programming and work to suit the unique economic strengths and natural resources in regions across the country.

Explore our Grassroots Impact 

Collaboration is the Key to National
Climate Transformation

Work with Foresight to develop priority sector focus areas, unite local ecosystems, pilot projects with municipal or regional benefits, or to launch and scale cleantech competencies.

Become A Partner 

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